Ms. Tolisano wrote a short blog showing how powerful social media can be. She shared the conversations between her and a few friends about the C.U.L.T.U.R.E. acronym standing for collaborate, understand, love, trust, unite, respect, empower. I love this acronym. Ms. Tolisano was then challenged to create a graphic for the acronym and this is what she created.
I also read one of Ms. Tolisano's older blogs titled Upgrading Blogs Through Lens of SAMR. In this post, she talks about the SAMR model which stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. In the classroom blogs, Ms. Tolisano wants to implement this model by substitution: substituting technology for hand written work, augmentation: technology will be the direct tool and platform for publishing assignments on their blog, modification: students can now use hyperlinked writing to connect their ideas, redefinition: the blogs are now an embedded part of the communication process and learning cycle. This is a good model when trying to implement more technology into the classroom.
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